Sunday, January 10, 2010

The most basic requirement to be a surrogate is that the woman has already given birth to at least one healthy full-term baby and be raising that baby at home. I have three - ages 6, 4, and 2. This weekend 2 out of 3 of my girls came down with pink-eye! And then the other one had an allergic reaction to who-knows-what! We were visiting their grandparents who live 2 hours away and BAM! all three kiddos are less than healthy and we had to drive home the same day.

Thankfully, my 2yo is looking much better today, the 4yo's hives are gone, and my 6yo still has crusties on her eyes but is looking like she will be recovering soon.

The life of a surrogate is not just appointments, medications, and being pregnant. We are also wives and mothers dealing with all the joys and difficulties of marriage, parenthood, paying bills, cleaning house (over and over again everyday, when you have young kids at home), and trying to find time for friendships.

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