Wednesday, December 8, 2010

34 Weeks!

According to Baby Center, the babies weigh 4.75 lbs each for a total of 9.5 lbs of baby! Wow! My girls all weighed about 8.5 lbs so this is a full pound more than my previous pregnancies, with more pounds to go!

I find that I go through a period of a week or two when my back can't keep up with the strain, and then it seems that my muscles adjust to the belly size/weight and then I feel fine again. I still have the issue of my pelvic bones being loose and I do get exhausted after a normal morning of cooking, dressing children, driving, and general cleaning. Still no heartburn, and I credit that to the elimination of wheat products and sugars.

Today is my birthday! I am 32 years old. Husband let me stay in bed this morning until about 8am. I couldn't sleep past 5:45 but I stayed in bed and lounged, then did some Sudoku puzzles, took a long bath..... the girls all sang Happy Birthday to me and my Intended Parents sent me a Hallmark greeting e-card. :-)

Today I will try to minimize my housework and maximize my crochet time. :-)


  1. Happy Birthday! Enjoy yourself and keep on taking it easy!

  2. Hope you had a Happy Birthday! Glad to hear you are still feeling pretty good! Im 33 weeks tmr and still feeling great as well! Im just getting anxious about going into labor!


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