Sunday, July 18, 2010

Nothing To Report

I know I should be posting more often, but I don't have much to say at this stage. The meds were very interesting and gave a lot to talk about, but I'm off all meds now...

I've just begun the second trimester and my energy level is pretty much back to normal. My waistline has swelled just a little bit, mostly due to lots of cheese and crackers during the first trimester, and maybe a little bit due to my growing uterus. But I don't feel the babies moving yet and won't expect to for a few weeks. I just feel... normal.

The heat wave in San Diego has abated. I think we hit 89 F. ;-) Lovely San Diego.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like a normal, "boring" pregnancy to be thankful for, right? :) Glad everything's going smoothly!


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