Monday, January 10, 2011

Donate Breastmilk!

The twins have flown home. What do I do with all this milk?

I posted an ad on Craigslist offering breastmilk for a baby in need, but I didn't get a response. There are two milkbanks in the area. Both pasteurize the donations which removes all the good stuff from the milk. And one of the banks is FOR-profit and sells theirs for $10 per ounce! And NO, none of that money is given to the donating mothers.

I wish there was a way to connect with a mother/baby that have a need for milk....

There IS a way! A page has been started on Facebook called "Eats On Feets" (the breastmilk version of Meals On Wheels). If you have milk to share, please find the Eats On Feets page for your area and post a note letting moms know that you have a supply of milk. Also search the Milk Needed section for milk requests and contact the parent in your area via Private Message.

I would love to see the surrogate community supporting mother-to-mother milk donation. We could help so many babies who NEED breastmilk.

Surrogates: Please re-post the Eats On Feets info on your blog so we can spread the word to lactating surrogates all over the country.


  1. Ashley- the surro with trips that follows your blog was looking for another surro to help her feed the trips. You should contact her!

  2. here's another wonderful organization that accepts breastmilk and makes it available internationally... i've donated to them in the past. great experience.

  3. That is AWESOME that you want to donate your milk. My IP's actually were looking for an additional pumper for the girls (they are definitely caught up to me). They didn't want to use the milkbank because of the pastuerizing. I did find them a surrogate I was connected with and she will begin pumping this week after having her babies. If I had known you were interested, I would have definitely asked you too!!!

  4. I am so excited you are going to be donating ur breastmilk! I am getting ready to start pumping for a couple, and I am so happy I found a couple to do it for, I didnt want my milk to go to waste.
    PS. Im going in tonight to be induced! I am so excited!


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