Monday, May 17, 2010

PREGNANT!! It's Official!

Dr. Smotrich called with the good news. My count is 4,506! To confirm a pregnancy he was looking for any number over 50. The high count could mean twins but we will have to wait to find out.

He asked how I am feeling.... So far, I have been blessed with 3 easy pregnancies with virtually NO morning sickness. Of course there are those moments when the pregnant body suddenly shouts "FEED ME! or else...!" If we are pregnant with twins then this could change.... but let's hope that it does not! I do get absolutely exhausted mid-afternoon but I'm finding that a glass of fresh organic vegetable juice is a great pick-me-up. (Chard/spinach/beet greens, cabbage, a beet and a lemon.)

Return appointment for Wednesday morning for another blood draw to check the doubling rate.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That's fantastic! Congratulations. That's really high...sounds like twins to me!

  3. Hi Heather, I'm 14 days post transfer. Conception was April 28th, the 5-day-transfer was Monday May 3rd.

  4. WOW that number is really high- much higher than mine (both times twins) . . . . can't wait to find out how many


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